How It Works
A girl should be able to start school as soon as she reaches the required age. In most countries, this is 5 to 6 years old. We therefore select girls primarily between the ages of 5 and 10 years - those who are disadvantaged and primarily in countries where educating girls is a challenge.
Reaching Out
Young girls cannot reach out for help themselves. Therefore, we need you, either as a parent or a well-wisher, to identify a girl who would not be able to attend school without external support. While barriers against girl education are not always financial, we can at least help the ones where financial support will make the difference.
Direct Support
We don't accept donations. We vet the eligibility of the girl, interact with her parent or well-wisher and the school to get all the details. When you select a girl to sponsor, we will provide you with the details and you will make the payment directly to the school where possible. Preference will be given to using third party apps where neither the donor's nor the recipient's banking details need to be disclosed. Commitment is made for one year at a time.
You can also support this initiative by purchasing a copy of Life Calling
or Love Calling by B.J.B. Phoenix.
100% of the Author's share will be used to send disadvantaged girls to school.
In addition to supporting the cause, you will find the book highly inspiring and enlightening in your own life!
“Everyone Knew It was Impossible,
Until a Fool Who Didn't Know Came Along and Did it .”